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Population Geography Definitions
  • WriterKelli
  • Date2024-04-09
  • Views600

Regarding your publication of annual population. Are the data values for the provinces back-adjusted during each geography change?  For example, does the data prior to 1998 for Gyeongnam also include data that would now be part of Ulsan? 

The geography changes I am aware of are listed below. Which are accounted for already in the reported data? Are there any additional changes I do not have listed?

Sejong split from Chungbuk and Chungnam in 2017
Ulsan split from Gyeongnam in 1998
Daejeon split from Chungnam in 1989
Gwangju split from Jeonnam in 1987
Incheon split from Gyeonggi prior to 1985
Daegu split from Gyeongbuk prior to 1985

Thank you,
Answer Statistics Korea/2024-04-12
Dear Kelli,

Thank you for visiting the KOSIS website.

The census uses the administrative district of the base year to produce statistics. 
Because we use administrative districts by base year, we do not revise past data again.  

Sejong Special Self-Governing City was created in 2012, 
Ulsan was promoted to a metropolitan city in 1997.  

Please contact the Ministry of Public Administration and Security for the exact standard of administrative district change.

Best regards,

Statistics Korea
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