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Population Projections(´24) Statistical Table 5,175ten thousand persons Number of live births(´23) Statistical Table 230,028persons Total Fertility Rate(´23) Statistical Table 0.721person Number of deaths(´23) Statistical Table 352,700persons Life expectancy at birth(´22) Statistical Table 82.7years Number of marriages(´23) Statistical Table 193,657cases Average number of books read per year(´23) Statistical Table 7.2books Prevalence of obesity(´22) Statistical Table 37.2% High-risk drinking rate(´22) Statistical Table 14.2% Suicide rate(´22) Statistical Table 25.2persons Economically active population(´24.08) Statistical Table 29,365thousand persons Farm household income(´23) Statistical Table 50,828thousand won Relative poverty rate(´22) Statistical Table 14.9% Number of nurses(´22) Statistical Table 254,227persons Number of doctors(´22) Statistical Table 112,321persons Number of medical institutions(´24.2/4) Statistical Table 102,634entities Number of basic livelihood security recipients(´22) Statistical Table 2,451thousand persons Youth smoking rate(´23) Statistical Table 4.2%
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Employment '24.08 Prices '24.08 Industry '24.07 Population '24.06
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