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Data Enquiry: Manufacturing Shipment Index (Seasonally Adjusted)
  • WriterValerie Ho
  • Date2025-01-21
  • Views114

Referring to this site: https://kosis.kr/statHtml/statHtml.do?sso=ok&returnurl=https%3A%2F%2Fkosis.kr%3A443%2FstatHtml%2FstatHtml.do%3Fconn_path%3DI2%26tblId%3DDT_1F02001%26language%3Den%26orgId%3D101%26

May I know if the manufacturing shipment index(Seasonally adjusted) is a value or volume series? And also can you also please confirm if the data is in nominal terms?

Answer Statistics Korea/2025-01-23 12:02:34.0
Dear Valerie Ho,

Thank you for visiting the KOSIS website.

According to the Short-term Industry Statistics Division of Statistics Korea, which is responsible for the statistical production of the Monthly Survey of Mining and Manufacturing, all datasets of the mining and manufacturing industry including the manufacturing shipment index (seasonally adjusted) are produced in a volume series. Datasets that are collected in a monetary value are deflated by using the Produce Price Index. And all datasets of the Monthly Survey of Mining and Manufacturing are disseminated after being deflated.

Kinds regards,

Statistics Korea

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