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request fo information from the World Health Organization
  • WriterFrancesco Mitis
  • Date2024-05-15
  • Views151
Good morning, I am Francesco Mitis, data manager of the WHO /UNICEF JMP programme. We are the cocustodian agencies for SDG indicators 6.1 and 6.2. on access to drinking water and sanitation. We publish our estimates and reports on washdata.org. Now we are also starting to collect data on bathing facilities in the households. Can you please let me know if data on the presence of bathing facilities (bath or shower) and on the presence of water are available in the Republic of Korea? If so, could they please be shared?
Thanks a lot for your help and collaboration
Francesco Mitis
Answer Statistics Korea/2024-05-29
Dear Francesco Mitis,

Thank you for visiting the KOSIS website.


- In the Population and Housing Census, Statistics Korea collects data on bathing facilities through the survey item of “Residential facilities” on a 5-year basis. The most recent Census on bathing facilities was carried out in 2020. You can find relevant data on the following Korean-version KOSIS website.

  * Domestic statistics – Statistics by topic – Population – Population Census – Households – Households in the Census (after 2015) - Complete survey results (Register-based Census, 2015) - Basic complete survey tables – Type of living quarters and type of residential facilities (general households)

  - On the other hand, in the Population and Housing Census, the survey item of “Drinking water” is covered on a 10-year basis. The most recent Census on drinking water was carried out in 2020. You can find relevant data on the following Korean-version KOSIS website.

  * Domestic statistics – Statistics by topic – Population – Population Census – Households – Households in the Census (after 2015) - Sample survey results (20%, 2020) - Housing status (20% of the sample) – Households by type of living quarters and drinking water

** These two datasets are provided only on the Korean-version KOSIS website.

Warm regards,

Statistics Korea

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