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Difference between Gross Revenue posted by KOSIS and MOSF Open Fiscal Data
  • WriterTimoteo Jazul
  • Date2019-08-23
  • Views5825
Dear Sir/Maam,

I would like to ask for the difference between Total Revenue posted in KOSIS (http://kosis.kr/statHtml/statHtml.do?orgId=102&tblId=DT_102N_AD01&language=en&conn_path=I3) and MOSF Open Fiscal Data (http://www.openfiscaldata.go.kr/portal/theme/themeProfile5.do). In June 2019, there is a discrepancy of 14TH KRW.

I also checked the other indicators like Spending and found different figures. May you give me information to clarify this?

Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.

Timoteo Jazul
Answer Statistics Korea/2019-08-28
Dear Timoteo Jazul,

Thank you for visiting the KOSIS website.

You made almost the same inquiry last year. You will get an insight into the discrepancy among figures from the answer below.

Thank you.

According to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, which is an agency of producing finance statistics, the statistical methodology is slightly different between "Total revenue & total spending" and "Revenue and expenditure of consolidated budget balance".

First of all, in "Total revenue & total spending", lending withdrawal and lending are separately calculated, while in "Consolidated budget balance", net lending is only aggregated as expenditure.

Second, in "Total revenue & total spending" of operating balance of enterprise special account, revenue and spending are separately calculated. Whereas, in consolidated budget balance, surplus is reflected in "Total revenue" and deficit is reflected in "Expenditure and net lending".

Please refer to Page 9 of the attached file on the following webpage. The file is provided only in Korean.


For further details, please contact the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. 

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